Post by Cheerypeabrain on Jan 4, 2009 19:44:54 GMT
Post by andy on Jan 10, 2009 10:16:08 GMT
How's that Fatsia doing in the cold RF.....mine wilt and then come back again when it warms up.
I guarantee your entire street will have one next summer ;D
Post by Tig on Jan 10, 2009 23:34:51 GMT
You are so right Andy - I have thought several times that mine will pop its clogs, but as soon as the temperature rises to 0 c it springs back up!! How I wish you could cross that gene with other garden plants The lemon tree/bush/thing I rescued it having a hissy fit! Dropping leaves like there is no tomorrow I expected a bit of a reaction as it was outside the shop in very cold weather ~ I just hope it stabilises soon and appreciates its slightly warmer surroundings - is it true that they 'enjoy' a bit of a 'water' with urine Hope I don't upset anyone with this query Tig
Post by Deleted on Jan 11, 2009 9:47:27 GMT
It hasnt done Rolf Harris any harm Tig ;D
Post by andy on Jan 11, 2009 12:15:01 GMT
Urea is a good scource of plant food....i was reading that you can even add it to aquariums to feed aquatic plants.
However, i don't think that one should empty ones bladder in the garden every day....i would imagine that urea is made up of farmyard waste and even bird droppings !!!
Post by andy on Jan 11, 2009 12:17:15 GMT
Post by Tig on Jan 11, 2009 14:34:56 GMT
I have to register before it will let me read it Andy, maybe if I get desperate ;D
As I am keeping the lemon in the front bedroom I don't think I will try it - if we get visitors they may think I have a problem!!
x Tig
Post by Ladygardener on Jan 11, 2009 18:27:46 GMT
Post by Rosefriend on Jan 12, 2009 9:21:35 GMT
How's that Fatsia doing in the cold RF.....mine wilt and then come back again when it warms up. I guarantee your entire street will have one next summer ;D Hi Andy, Well this is what mine looks like - can't say that it looks very healthy really. Are you sure that they are supposed to look like this?? As far as everyone in the entire street having one - mmmmm well I have to confess that only the people that have visited us have seen it. I was too much of a wimp to leave where half the street could see what I had. However it will change this year as it is too big for the terrace it will have to go "on full view". RF
Post by andy on Jan 12, 2009 9:57:45 GMT
That'll be absolutely fine RF...exactly how mine looked before the temperature turned to a tropical +9 degrees !!!!
Post by Rosefriend on Jan 12, 2009 10:21:11 GMT
Well I am pleased to hear that it will live - I think!!
It is our first frost free day today - a scorching 2deg C plus!!
Post by Ladygardener on Jan 14, 2009 15:39:43 GMT
glad to hear your deep freeze is coming to an end RF, at least for now.
Post by Rosefriend on Jan 14, 2009 15:52:41 GMT
mmmh so was I but it seems that at least at night we are going to be around minus 5 or so for a couple of days. Still, I think we are on the right side of Winter - hope so anyway, although February can be a bad month at times.
Post by Tig on Jan 14, 2009 23:29:10 GMT
You will be surprised RF - they bounce up and down with ease, and seem to cope whatever the temperature! Update on my lemon - after dropping leaves right, left and centre has settled and is now showing signs of new growth - hurrah, I've decided not to pee on it! ;D I wonder how much cold they can cope with? 5c seems to be the general opinion... It may also need to be found a new home if I stick to my mantra that I am not growing stuff that can't survive in the garden
Post by Rosefriend on Jan 15, 2009 6:50:23 GMT
You will be surprised RF - they bounce up and down with ease, and seem to cope whatever the temperature!Update on my lemon - after dropping leaves right, left and centre has settled and is now showing signs of new growth - hurrah, I've decided not to pee on it! ;D I wonder how much cold they can cope with? 5c seems to be the general opinion... It may also need to be found a new home if I stick to my mantra that I am not growing stuff that can't survive in the garden I am really truly amazed to be honest although the leaves are a bit yellow for my liking. Dutchy's enormous one is such a gorgeous dark green... Stick to your mantra Tig......oooo bet you don't. Just think of all those lovely Musa's and Brugs just waiting for you to look after them. RF
Post by Rosefriend on Jan 15, 2009 9:14:52 GMT
Dutchy.....coooeeee......heellooooooo....moinmoin....Goedemorgen..Dag.. What do you think then... 2 are really good and the other is thinking about it. RF
Post by Dutchy on Jan 15, 2009 9:33:45 GMT
Wow well done little tikes ;D If the one on the left is the thinking one it is thinking mighty deeds. I can see three growing points. And with the one outside which will make it you will have a true jungle from this Spring. I had better bookmark this thread ;D I keep loosing it
Post by Chuckles on Jan 24, 2009 20:15:37 GMT
RF those door wedges look really healthy, lovely lush growth. Well I don't normally post on this thread but have to say I've joined the ranks of the Fatsia owners club today ;D Well they looked a bargain at £3.25 so I thought why not have a go
Post by maggy on Jan 24, 2009 21:09:00 GMT
You will be surprised RF - they bounce up and down with ease, and seem to cope whatever the temperature! Update on my lemon - after dropping leaves right, left and centre has settled and is now showing signs of new growth - hurrah, I've decided not to pee on it! ;D I wonder how much cold they can cope with? 5c seems to be the general opinion... It may also need to be found a new home if I stick to my mantra that I am not growing stuff that can't survive in the garden Ive never heard anyone doing this ;D if your lemon is losing leaves I think it is probably down to too much water! mine looks like this I have a winter Citrus feed and I only water when dry.
Post by maggy on Jan 24, 2009 21:11:29 GMT
Has anyone got a Hedychium I have had this one three years and it has never flowered yet!!
Post by Cheerypeabrain on Jan 24, 2009 22:33:22 GMT
They look beautifully healthy Maggy. ;D
I was just wondering if anybody here has a bird of paradise plant...I've had one for 3 years (bought as a small plant from Wilkinsons) and it's never flowered...although it is getting bigger. I keep it in the conservatory over winter and try and give it lots of sun (given reasonable weather) in the summer.....will it ever flower?
Post by Tig on Jan 24, 2009 23:38:55 GMT
I bought one as well Cheery - it has grown huge At the moment it is about a metre tall - I only bought it last year though! (heaven knows why - this board has so much to answer for - I think it was Susiesnow who posted about one her Dad had grown from seed!) I haven't given mine lots of sun, in fact it has lived in the dining room which is North facing for most of its life ... wonder what would happen if I let it get some direct sunshine now? Tomorrow I will give it a treat (if the sun shines - which it will as I'm in sunny Staffordshire ;D) By the way - update on my lemon tree - it has flower buds on it (ps Maggy I think it lost the leaves because it was cruelly mistreated by its previous owner! It is now sprouting for England, the Universe, and beyond ;D) x Tig
Post by Chuckles on Jan 25, 2009 5:37:54 GMT
Has anyone got a Hedychium I have had this one three years and it has never flowered yet!! A few of us have a Ginger Lily Maggy, here you go GINGER LILY
Post by andy on Jan 25, 2009 7:16:34 GMT
You're in for a superb treat when that Lemon flowers Tig because the flowers are as sweetly scented as anything ive ever smelt. As for the gingers, im sure i read that they like to be pot bound. Pot them into a 10 litre pot and leave them outside in the summer, but bring in before frosts. Keep them well watered and feed weekly but allow to get pot bound. There's some nice gingers in here www.junglegardens.co.uk/PlantOrders/index1.html
Post by Rosefriend on Jan 25, 2009 8:34:34 GMT
I have a rather horrible but very suitable 90 litre tub that I would like to put my doorwedges in. So - can I put those three all together in the 90 litre tub and when "yes" how long can they stay there. What kind of roots do Fatsia's have?? RF
Post by Tig on Jan 25, 2009 14:23:15 GMT
I put my first one in the large blue pot when I bought it in August 2002 RF, and it was totally pot bound when we removed it and transplanted it into the border late April last year. Boy was it a struggle to get it out of the pot So why have I put another one back in it? x Tig
Post by maggy on Jan 26, 2009 20:39:20 GMT
Has anyone got a Hedychium I have had this one three years and it has never flowered yet!! A few of us have a Ginger Lily Maggy, here you go GINGER LILY Thanks for that link ;D Ive kept it for reference it is very usefull I was wondering if I could leave it outside and I always thought it had to be in full sun! which isnt right by the looks! my Hedychium is Coronium which is a white one although I havent seen it yet!! I thought I had bought a bargain at £5 at a boot sale but it looks as if I could ave got it cheapter (story of my life) ;D Its taken me an age to get back to this thread you can easily get lost on here.
Post by Rosefriend on Jan 31, 2009 13:33:53 GMT
Does any one have a link to a website where I could possibly get Colocasia Esculenta Black Magic please?
I can't find anything on the German side, only the USA which doesn't help me much.
Post by Chuckles on Jan 31, 2009 14:59:00 GMT
Post by Rosefriend on Jan 31, 2009 17:35:38 GMT
Thanks Chuckles - I will have a look and see if I can just get the tuber from anywhere and if anyone sends to the continent.